When it comes to spinal cord injuries, there are two different types of them. “Incomplete” injuries are those that are unfinished. In contrast, those that are “complete” are totally severed.
While many may readily assume that an individual’s prognosis is better if he or she suffers an incomplete spinal cord injury as opposed to a complete one, that’s not necessarily the case.
Although an individual with an unfinished injury will not likely experience extensive paralysis as someone with a complete one might, patients with the former will likely experience a loss of sensation in their bodies.
Some patients with incomplete injuries may be fortunate enough to experience little to no muscle weakness. They may not have to endure any long-term effects of having suffered a spinal cord injury. These cases are fairly rare.
Also relatively uncommon are cases where an incomplete injury leaves a person just as hurt as a person who may have suffered a complete injury. When these types of injuries occur, the only difference between the way an incomplete injury victim may feel and a complete injury victim will feel is that some sensation will be preserved in the partially injured person’s body.
More often than not, those who suffer incomplete spinal cord injuries experience long-term symptoms somewhere along the spectrum in between the polar opposites described above.
Spinal cord injuries can result from car crashes, playing contact sports, workplace accidents and other types of situations. If you’ve suffered one due to someone else’s negligence, then a Moultrie attorney can advise you of your right to file an injury lawsuit in your case.
Source: Craig Hospital, “Incomplete spinal cord injuries: The early days,” accessed May 18, 2018